Blessed Are the Weird: Motivating Quotes for Writers
October 6, 2021
Are you ready to step into your power as a writer, artist, or thought leader? The Writing Cycle has curated ten life-changing quotes by Jacob Nordby from BLESSED ARE THE WEIRD to help you beat writer’s block and remind you you are entitled to claim your place as a creator for the benefit of humankind.
This book reminds us that instead of letting the world ask, What makes you think you’re so special?
We can ask the world: What makes you think only special people are able make art? Or that creativity is an especially rare urge or skill?
When encouraged to make a living rather than chase dreams, challenge: why must these be mutually exclusive?
If someone scolds, shouldn’t you engage with family rather than playing in Imagination-land, consider: why have we created a society where people from all walks of life cannot regularly engage in imagination and art-making? What if these represent the very values we wish to model?
After all, artistic entitlement comes with responsibility: to deliver messages we’ve been given, accurately represent diverse viewpoints and acknowledge privilege, to follow leadings, actualize dreams, and engage rather than escape.
The world does not need more grifters or grinders . . . the world needs artists, dreamers, and people willing to tune in to the planet, the spiritual realm, the Collective Unconscious, cultural zeitgeist, social justice issues, and the whispers of our own souls.
Are you “weird?”
“One of the challenges we face is a tendency to believe that someone else will get the job done. We stifle our native powers of creativity in favor of letting the geniuses handle things. We cannot sit by and hope that the Creative Genius 1%-ers will figure everything out and hand us the answers we require.”
“Being creative is not a luxury reserved for people with some special artist gene.
Geniuses’ accomplishments intimidate us because we aren’t sure we have the necessary skill and stamina to get the job done. It is not because we are lazy—although sometimes we are—we just have not given our own genius its proper value. Because this is true, we find a million reasons to procrastinate rather than begin the process of excavating our inner gold.”
“We wait, starving for moments of high magic to inspire us, but life is full of common enchantment waiting for our alchemist’s eyes to notice . . . the Muses get impatient when we refuse to pay attention to their nudges.”
“Living is art. Breathing and heart beating is music. Seeing is painting the world with our eyes. Touching is sculpting the shape of everything.
Life is the most intense art of all.”
“How many frustrated artists won’t make time to develop their amazing stuff because they can’t see how it will ever turn into a full time income?”
“Little by little, faster and faster, the years pass while we stay busy pouring our vital energy into maintaining lifestyles that lack the deep satisfaction we have always wanted. It is not that we can’t make the time to follow our hearts. We can. We can use our power of “yes” and “no” to prioritize and cut. Our problem lies in not valuing our own inner treasure enough to do anything about it.”
“We keep waiting to be crowned before taking our own throne. It doesn’t work that way.
Being crowned is just the public acknowledgement of what has already happened behind the scenes as a result of millions of micro-choices in the direction of our dreams. Crowning happens when we make enough of those tiny decisions to take actions that seem ridiculously insignificant at the time but later turn into a completed project through the process of relentless accrual.”
“Your next certification or ordination or degree will do nothing for your expression in the world until you accept how unspeakably worthy and valuable you already are to be here and share yourself with us.
Your enormous soul had so many choices of who it could show up as.
It chose you.”
“I need to be startlingly clear. This thing of finding your authentic voice, expressing your blessed weirdness and revealing your soul isn’t an elegant process. You don’t do it to be cool. You don’t do it to get laid or get rich . . it’s a matter of personal and collective survival. Yes, it’s that important. You are that critical.”
“When in brief flashes of serendipity you glimpse what you were born to do …
Do it.
Take steps toward it, even if they are depressingly small at first. With each inch closer to your central magic, you will feel it.